non- +
(Latin: nothing, not)
There are hundreds of other "non-" prefix words that can be found in dictionaries.
Non tua te moveant, sed publica vota.
Let not your own, but the public wishes move you.
nonabsorbable suture (noun), non absorbable sutures (pl)
A surgical thread made from a material that cannot be taken into the body: Some nonabsorbable sutures such, as silk, silkworm gut, horsehair, certain synthetic materials, or even wire, can be used in operations.
Lacking acquaintance; the state of being unacquainted.
non-alcoholic, nonalcoholic (adjective) (not comparable)
Without alcohol or containing no more than trace amounts of alcohol; alcohol-free: The customer asked the waiter in the restaurant for water, a nonalcoholic beverage.
nonclandestine (adjective), more nonclandestine, most nonclandestine
Descriptive of doing something openly without being secretive.
noncollapsable, noncollapsible (adjective) (not comparable)
Incapable of being folded together into a more convenient and compact shape: Some balcony chairs made of metal are noncollapsible and cannot be flattened in order to store them in the corner of the basement.
Characterized by tolerance, undogmatic, undogmatical; "although favoring European unity he was noncommital about the form it should take".
noncustodial, non-custodial
1. Not involving imprisonment or detention in custody: "She received a noncustodial sentence from the court."
2. In the United States, not having custody of child or not being granted legal custody of a child: "He was a noncustodial birth parent."
3. Not having custody of one's children after a divorce or separation.
2. In the United States, not having custody of child or not being granted legal custody of a child: "He was a noncustodial birth parent."
3. Not having custody of one's children after a divorce or separation.
1. With no interesting or remarkable characteristics.
2. A reference to to a person or thing of no particular type, kind, or character; often used disparagingly.
2. A reference to to a person or thing of no particular type, kind, or character; often used disparagingly.
1. Someone who is not famous, has no influence, who is powerless, or is considered unimportant: At night, when Nancy was viewing the stars in the sky, she felt as if she were a nonentity in the world as a whole being so totally tiny and insignificant.
2. Something that does not exist in reality or which exists only in the imagination: In Dwain's dream, he saw the love of his life and, after waking up, he knew that she would aways be a nonentity and never to be found!
3. The state or condition of being nonexistent: Tabea looked for some butter in her fridge, but it evidently was a nonentity because there just wasn't any to be found!

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2. Something that does not exist in reality or which exists only in the imagination: In Dwain's dream, he saw the love of his life and, after waking up, he knew that she would aways be a nonentity and never to be found!
3. The state or condition of being nonexistent: Tabea looked for some butter in her fridge, but it evidently was a nonentity because there just wasn't any to be found!

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nonextended (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to something that is not stretched out: "Whenever there is a nonextended item, it is not elongated."
Inexcusable behavior or action; without excuses.
nonflammable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to something difficult to burn or to ignite: It seemed that the moist sticks were nonflammable because they certainly were hard to kindle.
2. Concerning something that is not combustible or easily set on fire: The matches were very old and had been stored in the basement so they were nonflammable when Jane wanted to light the candle, so she got new ones from the store the next day.
2. Concerning something that is not combustible or easily set on fire: The matches were very old and had been stored in the basement so they were nonflammable when Jane wanted to light the candle, so she got new ones from the store the next day.
An absence of fraternization.
Not performing nor able to perform a regular function.